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Re: HELP Post Finasteride Syndrome how do i heal?
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Re: HELP Post Finasteride Syndrome how do i heal?

You have parasites clogging you up. Count on it. Do Dr. Clark's cleanse which includes needing to use a zapper. Here's my new favorite quote from her book:

"Only Two Health Problems

No matter how long and confusing is the list of symptoms a person has, from chronic fatigue to infertility to mental problems, I am sure to find only two things wrong: they have in them pollutants and/or parasites. I never find lack of exercise, vitamin deficiencies, hormone levels or anything else to be a primary causative factor." 'Cure for All Diseases', page 2

Don't believe any 'doctor's' diagnoses--they are trained by the pharmaceutical cartel-backed medical 'schools' aka brainwashing institutions to disregard parasites entirely, as well as any infestation symptoms, which is what all these auto immune 'diseases' actually are.

They say 'cause unknown' because they can't think of a good pretend reason for those symptoms.


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