Hi, good news/bad news. It's not just Hulda Clark's method. !!!! I have started doing plain old enemas straight from the store-bought bottle. Good start if I'm not used to doing enemas, right? First 3 got a fair amount of gunk out, over 2 nights. Now I'm constipated. I feel whatever it is waiting to come out. It's big. I don't want to push too hard for fear of (more or worsened) hemorrhoids. I need to break it up. I'm looking at old fashioned Milk of Magnesia bought at the store. Worried that will give me hours and hours of going back and forth to toilet. I don't want to go out to store at this point. I'm too sick! (there's more than this, but will put in different thread so I don't hijack Original Poster's post)
Constipation-wise, the bottleneck, if you will, MIGHT be the scolex from a tapeworm I'm almost 99.99% I have/had .
- call me Cat. Don't want to use real username as I've used it on other places on web.