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Re: LIVER FLUSH - protocol corrected.
chirontherainbowbridge Views: 1,795
Published: 8 y
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Re: LIVER FLUSH - protocol corrected.

I went to check the difference, and this message came up.


I was curious to see what Clark's recipe was, how much E.S. specifically.

I did not do the parasite cleansing before, which she was so big on, (insists on) and I agree is probably playing a large part in serious disease.

It's curious to me that she doesn't recommend softening the stones beforehand... that seems like a really good idea. Nor does she mention colonics after.

Anyway, as the poster says, neither Clark nor Moritz invented liver flushing, which is probably worth remembering. The first time I heard about it was in a story about an older lady, with two grown sons. She had a bad GB attack, and was by told to drink
a concoction of lemon juice and olive oil ( i think it was O.O.), and to "walk all night"- which sounds like a simple and radical way to keep stones moving down and out. The story goes, her two sons supported her, keeping her upright, and by morning she was cured.

I liked the story, and it 'rang true' to me.

I see in the curezone Liver Flush link, it's said you can do this in the morning too. But the reason most people do it at night, taking the drink and finishing it by 10, is that i10-12 is "liver time", the time when the liver is doing its most work. That's another reason why walking, rather than going to bed, might work well for some. Again, on the CZ link, one of the simpler flushes says you can walk around and go to bed by 12. I guess the point is, there are different ways for different people. I'm a night owl. To be in bed by ten for me irs rare,




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