Re: Paragone for Fungus? My Observations.
Sorry you should never get a buzz from coffee enemas. The
coffee enema should only stay in the sigmoid part of the colon witch is near the anus.
hold the coffe enema for 10 mins then release it. You will know if you have taken enough because you will feel griggeling at the bottom right side of your rib cage. That the liver dumbing bile into the large colon.
If you don't feel that with two heaping spoon fulls of coffee with 3 cups of water then try three heaping table spoon fulls. And you still don't and then start to feel sick and pain in the liver area you need to do a liver flush.
Once you do get the
coffee enemas working and they make you sick you need to do high enemas to flush all the bile out of your large colon that the liver put in or your body will keep reabsording the liver blue with the large intestine.
Your best bet would be to do a
coffee enema 2 hours before a colonic. So the
colonic can flush the toxins out.
I know it's alot of work and it can make you even more sick if to do to many enemas and flush your minerals and potassium from the large intestine wall.
Best bet would be to do 3 table spoon enema and see how you feel.