I did another PSA test and it came back 1.5 lower than the 12.9 that got my doctor(s) and me all exited. My Urologist told me that that decline was not significant. I wonder what he would have said if that number was a rise in value. Anyways, since a biopsy is not something I am comfortable with, I opted for an MRI of my prostate and had that performed a couple of days ago. I should get a report back in another day or so.
I also did some digging around in the meantime and discovered that OTC decongestants and stuff like pseudo ephedrine can have a detrimental effect on a PSA test, especially when one has an enlarged prostate in the first place such as myself. Actually, I read that it could cause one to wind up in the hospital because of urine retention due to a swollen prostate. Anyways, I was gobbling those things down due to a really stuffy head and runny nose right up to the day before I had my first blood test. My second blood test was two weeks later after no cold meds, and the subsequent decrease in PSA, so that gives me some hope.