Update 3-30-2016
Was going to wait another month to do more blood work, but patience never was my strong suit. I have eliminated all sugars from my diet as much as possible, along with any dairy products and pork. Have adopted a paleo diet for the most part. Chocolate seems to be my Achilles heel at this point, but it's not really forbidden. Here are some numbers:
Sorry for the monster pictures, but the thumbnails don't seem to be working. Maybe one of the moderators can fix this.
I have been above 4.0 for several years with the numbers bouncing between 4.9 and 7.9. The spike to 11.5 is my test, while my Dr.s test show 12.9 two weeks earlier. This got everyone, including me excited. I had been taking decongestants for about two weeks prior to the spike, but both of my doctors said this should not have affected my PSA. I don't know if I can agree with that or not.
These are the numbers.
This is an intrepitation of the numbers from an Ivy League Medical School so I am inclined to believe them. My numbers look far less scarey than what my Dr and the 'specialist' I was sent to were leading me to believe. I have been treating myself with a daily cocktail including, but not limited to Upwards of 300mg Lugols. Currently taking 50mg a day 600mg
SSKI daily. (Along with all co-sups)
Make my own
Lugols and
Two swigs of 30ppm
Colloidal Silver , once each morning and evening. I make my own CS with a Silver Puppy. It paid for itself long ago. Great little machine.
Periodically I am doing the Baking Soda/Molassas treatment for about a week at a time, then stop for a week or two. I am stating another round right now and will titrate up to two teaspoons of each twice a day.
Chanta Piedra Tea, two or three cups per day. To each cup I will add a dropper full of tincture of
Black-Walnut Oil.
Also lately I have been adding more and more Cayeene Pepper oil to things like coffee, food, what ever. The effects are almost instant and I find myself enjoying the fine aspects of the flavor. I never did get down to the clinic in Tijuana, MX. I am going to keep on this path for now and see where get in the next 6 months.
Will likely be doing more blood work in June, maybe July.