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UPDATED foundation of the church.
been there done that Views: 1,335
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UPDATED foundation of the church.

It seems obvious to me that it's not well understood why I specify "SPIRIT-FILLED" as being a true worshiper. John 4 says that "TRUE worshipers" will worship SPIRITUALLY and NOT physically (meaning that we should not be worshiping with anything PHYSICAL (like books, rituals, etc.).

The Jews neither had JESUS before they were introduced to Him by the apostles nor did they have the HOLY SPIRIT.

WE have the HOLY SPIRIT.

Act 19:2 "No, we have never even heard that there is a Holy Spirit."

Even in preaching, John the Baptist openly confessed that he himself did not KNOW "THE SPIRIT.

"THE Spirit" was not GIVEN until Jesus was glorified at the ASCENSION (John 7:39).

The Jews DID NOT HAVE God's Spirit (WE DO....we have His Spirit AVAILABLE TO US, but some don't live peacefully or in anyway Spirit-like/Godly).

The Jews had been corrupted by still having an allegiance to Egyptian gods. When Jesus said "Woe to you scribes and Pharisees", He said that the pharisees were...

...CHILDREN OF HELL (enough said?).

God's TRUE identity is "I am who I am".

Many things are being discovered.

We have not been TAUGHT the REAL truth.

Act 19:2 "No, we have never even heard that there is a Holy Spirit."...(THIS is very important to remember).

Exo 3:14 God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM"


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