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Re: zapper needed for cancer and candida help dont understand it..questions?
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Re: zapper needed for cancer and candida help dont understand it..questions?

Boy what an arrogant response..forget it apparently you never dealt with getting the biggest blow one can get the loss of everything to come, and a nightmare road to travel if I don't beat this, current side effects that leave me mailsy and weak.

I do do my own research as best I am able given my limited time I have over 50 pages of typed notes, spending time trying to fundraise and be able to get some money to get at least some of the things I need to live, telling my big family about my cancer, what new dr or test said and updates, dealing with the loss to come of everything I know, love and have, taking time to watch videos on curing cancer naturally and informing others of these while searching their contents throughout he videos or after. I am also dealing with severe Depression and symptoms that leave exhausted, weak and malaisy, and a boatload of things going on.

I would like to know what is wrong with asking people who know to tell me some of what they know. That is what this site is supposed to be about If you look throughout this site under my member name and yahoo answers under Janie and other sites you will see I devoted in the past pretty much all my time to helping others. Someone who does npot research and do it intently would not be able to give the kind of advise I do. But time is in the way as so much going on I feel like I am living 10 lives at once. Rarely in life have a been this time deprived.

I have helped for free over 10,000 people over last 15 years all over the world spending anywhere from an hour to 300 hours on them and doing tremendous research for them, uploading and copying from books and giving up sleep, eating, going out, typing for up to 20 hours in pain for others falling asleep at the typewriter and giving up my plans to go out to a movie for some desperate person, spending a minimum of 50 hours a week on behalf of others hurting and sick people who directly asked for my personal help not to mention scads of posts all over the internet as well as helping people in my city. I am a giver and tended to neglect myself.

I worked so hard for others doing tremendous research until I burnt myself out and then was diagnosed right after with a deadly cancer.

I feel it is my turn now cause if I heal I know I will help others and others will gain hope from beating such a severe case and not doing most of the Dr stuff. If I die, I can help noone. Plus cant someone who helped many thousands of human beings get help in her darkest hour from someone without being insulted,

I am handicapped and my brother who was my caretaker got angry and abandoned me Christmas eve saying h will never help or be with me again..still I am wheelchair bound, I can scarcely get I cannot get wheelchair in and out of car and it is so painful and hard, I cannot even get into the store for the handicapped chair and most hope someone is out there getting carts. I have given up all fun things as too hard to do now.

I have had compassion and empathy for hurting and suffering humanity all of my life. Now that I am so sick and depressed I reach out to someone who might know what I need to know and then insult me and make me cry. I neer thought someone on curezone which people I hold in such high regard would make me cry.

I am an emotional, tender person that is who I am I cannot be you and handle cancer and death like you THINK you would handle it noone but those given this death sentence truly knows what it is like-- you think you know I know I did but others have said in my same shoes you dont know unless it happens to you.

I have read Clark's book and personally I was not impressed...the only part I did always think was good was the zapper. I am not going to remove my water pipes and replace with plastic as I rent and I am not going to pull all my teeth as my insurance will not pay for dentures for 7 more years due to getting a partial denture that did not fit but too bad. I will not walk around toothless and harm my nutrition.

The thing is as Charlotte Gerson said "what are we here for if not to help others"

I believe in Jesus Christ and he said to store your treasures in heaven, that he will repay anything you do for the least among us many times over, He said to truly love your neighbor as yourself, and do unto others as you ould like they do unto you, go the extra mile or more directly if someone asks for a coat give them your hat too, that he decides what pay will come to those who worked a lot or a little and says it will be the same, he tells of the good samaritan who really give from his heart not just words but got int he ditch, exchange his own clean clothes with the bloody man left for dead's clothes, got him on his own donkey, took him to town and paid his room, board, medicine, and food and said will come back to check on him and if need be he will pay more i it cost more.

Even if one is not a Christian most of these if we lived them would make the world a truly better place....a place of love.

All through the bible he talks of the least among us and poor and suffering people and tells us he is the one you do this for what you do to them you do to him and it is so important that he will separate the sheep and the goats and say depart form me as you did not help me when dying, ill, hunger, thirsty etc.

It is no skin off my back if you want to blame me for other people's actions..I will live or die as fate allows. God uses those in sad and desperate straights to judge others...but also to soften their hearts.

To demand someone do what you feel is right is also not right. I gave people tons of info but I doubt most of them did all I suggested they just pick and chose and those who did often did not get well. I know people must have free will and make their own choices. Maybe I know what I am advising will help but I may guide but never coerce anyone. Wording things like you did, well this instantly shuts down communication oir maybe you just doid not know or want to answer the qwuestion and used this shut off communication method but you are free to go now ok? I would rather deal with people not so judgemental and harsh.

I gave freely to others because I knew I had been blessed with the knowledge and brain and skills, ability to motivate and decades of intense research to give hope and to help others and give them info that might take them a decade to find so they find it and could begin healing now when they need it.

I have stacks of books I cant get to for lack of time. Dont act like it is just a little time when time is running out and all seems to be gone all the time of late.

I do not have the time I did then to help myself as I did others. I was hoping to lean a little on the caring souls who post on curezone in my hour of need and limited time If I have 4 months to live, reading Hulda Clark again is not on my bucket list...really nothing is as I have noone to help me go anywhere and no time to do anything fun at all But I am doing the best I can and accomplish very much each day though I nee seem to get done as new stuff keeps popping up.

do you think I do not know that negative emotions harm me--I know that is a big part of why I am in this position besides genes. I have always felt 10 times more emotionally than most and am ultra empathetic and emotional and sensitive but these gifts are both blessing and curse; nevertheless, it is who I am.

I just lost my best friend of several decades who was also helping me and it is hard dealing with car problems as a female on my own now..had 4 since Christmas and strands ed in the cold several times exacerbating my lung condition (cancer spread all over my lungs and in between them In all, I have 14 tumors).

Unlike most people I dont have relatives or friends to help me research and do things..I cannot stand or walk even going up and down stairs by crawling is so painful I only have been going up and down once a day..everything takes longer.

For you to speak to me like that really ticks me off.

How dare you say I have no initiative when I have so much and do so much.

I am not convinced cancer is a fungus but I do feel it is involved certainly I am trying to cover all bases and was doing over 100 times without even getting to many links etc I put in my 50 pages of notes and research etc.

I may read the book or skim it but I was hoping someone who knew my questions would help so I can get started now,. It is clear you dont want to and are irritated so please just stop reading my post.

I am sure somewhere on here are compassionate people like myself who are willing to give of the knowledge they have to help the truly needy and desperate.

I am sorry you feel the need to be so judgmental of someone going through so much in life and recently. I am saddened for you that you do not see the bigger picture..those who squander all their time on themselves, or will not help people who they can and feel the need to feel superior will have life address these and other issues. I have seen that often God makes me walk a mile in the shoes of those I did not understand or judged.

If you ever walk in mine it will not be pleasant as people tell me I am the unluckiest person they know and noone they know has all this stuff always happening..been told my life is like a soap opera but sadly it all happened. I even had someone say he was afraid to hang out with me as he was afraid all my bad luck would rub off on him and yet I still find time to help anyone who asks of my help and am told by hundreds I am nice, kind and have a heart of gold.

I may get the book form library again but I doubt I will have time to read it like the 2 dozen other books I check out over and over as never cn get to them..I do not even have time to sleep a lot of the time.

omg you expect me to with my very limited time to read a 623 page book rather than answer the questions. They did not carry it at my library or any libraries in town so I did buy it on ebay just in case noone helps me to skim through it. do recall i found the book very depressing last time I read it as much of it cant do or obtain due to limited funds.

I miss the life I had where I had time to do research and things I loved to do. Cancer took that from me.

when you are told maybe in months, you will not be able to walk 10 or less steps and you will feel like you are drowning and never come up for air and have this feeling (plus a lot more as it spreads) for god knows how long this torture would last, and told you may not be able to get home health care and will lose your check except for $30, your home, everything you own, and so much more then come to me and see if you still do not understand why I might feel frantic cause when it is you it is a lot worst than just imagining it is you.

Don't tell me what I need, you just dont have the level of heart some on here do..even with all this going on I still find some time to help others as that is what some of us place as one of our highest values.

I do know what you mean as I had one women who emailed me so much over things you could have found out on her own..when she started wanting me to do math problems for her and arguing with everything I said I told her she was making me do things she could have done herself and my times was so limited as helping dozens of there at the same time. I felt bad even though I felt I had to say it to her as she sent 3 or more dozen emails in rapid succession and always required me to do more research..had she been dying I might have helped her anyway but she was no where even close to dying.

I know what it is like to have people say it is not working and then question them thoroughly and find out they are doing just a 1/10th of what you advised and doing it in ways that cut extensive and important corners or to spend 100 hours in someone looking up things in my books, uploading them, studying their disease, attaching dozens of things, researching for hours writing every single thing I know so in case I never hear from them they will have all they need and have them not even say thanks...this happens almost all of the time. Still I help cause each person is a new persona and a new situation, yet I know its frustrations as well.

Trying to help someone to live is more important and one makes concessions as they are not just trying to kill a parasite because they are tired,,no someone like me is trying to not get where drs say I am going to drowning for months or weeks with no air coming in but a little. who can take pain and torture like that and they have no treatment, oxygen wont help and only chemo might for a short while and then it is back till you die once the deadly chemo stops working.

well please let's just end this and maybe someone will answer the questions if not, maybe I will look at the book or move on to some other protocols as the zapper is a very expensive thing for me to buy form my limited funds especially when I am afraid I will not be able to figure out how to use it etc

because I can not afford to go to a clinic where it seems most of the healed people in the quest for the cure videos went, I am trying to do everything I am able to but there is so much out there..most people have a relative that will help out but since I am doing everything on my own, my times is so much in short supply..I just saw a dr who now has me going to 4 more drs and then I have to tell me relatives what they said which can lead to long conversations and more terrible things to know are coming. I am really quite spent.

If you do not want to help a person who helped so many and now needs help of her own, then please feel free to pass my questions by..if you think I am lazy you are wrong but feel free to keep your info to yourself if I am not willing to pay your price.

I was on over a hundred things and they did not work so I did so a heck of a lot of research before it spread and I was now in stage 4. I will keep up most of those but no enough time to research now I am in the place I am in as before and must do it faster.

the difference between us is I am always willing to give of my time to others in need while most just give money..nothing wrong with giving money but time is often much more valuable ans seems to be in such short supply strangers dont have it and neither do kids and siblings. that makes giving of it all the more valuable.

I may be too emotional, I may be too frantic or stressed or depressed but this I know I have done what we were put here to do helped freely and given out of love and concern for my fellow man.

To me, that makes me rich despite my grinding poverty.

You have now judged me and gotten mad cause I asked if you could answer my questions one by one maybe they will never be answered. I will hope that God still helps me heal myself or opens up more time or makes me not so stressed and desperate..or speaks to some kind soul who will answers the questions one by one.

Maybe I will soon be too sick to do anything anyway so maybe it does not matter but life matter very much doesn't it..when you are going to lose it.

I was suicidal for 35 years but am still here and the cure I found out was being given a death sentence which made me realize I want to live...finally too late too hard a lesson but sometimes we mess up until life and its woes make things crystal clear.

Please go on with your life I will be fine. I have been doing things utterly alone for a long time. Why should this be is just sometimes strangers are nicer than one's own family and I thought maybe someone would help me.

Well I do thank you for the help you already gave me.



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