Re: New, frustrated and depressed. Where to start???
I read that
parasites attack us when our secretory IgA is low. That is the thing that keeps our mucus membranes healthy enough to ward off
parasite attacks. It also affects
food allergies which I have too.
I am currently taking a serum-derived immunoglobulin but would just take some colostrum if I didn't have a dairy allergy. Also make sure you are taking a good vitamin supplement with plenty of fat soluble vitamins. And fatty acids rebuild the mucus membranes too. Matter of fact, even regular doctors recommend taking fatty acids to cure dry eyes.
The following quote is from a Gastrointestiinal Bacteriology book:
"Mucous membranes. Many are heavily colonized with bacteria in whose moist secretions they survive. These normal flora are restricted from entry and usually occupy any attachment sites that might otherwise be used by pathogens. The normal flora established on mucous membranes may antagonize non-indigenous species by other means, as well. Typically, mucus contains a number of types of anti-microbial compounds, including lysozyme and secretory antibodies (IgA). Sometimes phagocytes patrol mucosal surfaces (e.g. in the lower respiratory tract). Nonetheless, most infectious agents impinge on the skin or mucous membranes of the oral cavity, respiratory tract, GI tract or urogenital tract, and from these sites most infections occur. Damage to the epithelial cells caused by toxic products of these bacteria may play a role. "
So you have to focus on boosting your immune system. Sounds easier than it is. I just started the immunglobulins so can't say they are working yet.