9 y
citenz, Not my experience at all...
Huh, citenz. I was in that 'horrible, evil, will make you use heroin, and attack and eat small children' camp most of my life. Then, I started using it for the spasming caused by my stroke, under duress of course, but no sleep was not very healthy either.
And you know what horrible thing happened?? I could hardly stay awake, and my spasms stopped within minutes. Oh and I couldn't remember what I was talking about the minute before. I've been using it medically for 2 or so years in the butter in capsules form.
I've come to the conclusion it was ALL pharmaceutical cartel lies and fear mongering to keep us from one of nature's best healing agents. Pure and simple. So we would use their murderous poisons instead.
So please do some real research about it and not just swallow the blatant lies hook, line and sinker. Not one of those pretend 'research' effects has been a problem for me, or anyone else I know who use it. The cartel lies all the time via their rigged 'research' when they're trying to get rid of competition, eh?
Addictive, my hinny. NOT. There's no physical component to it at all, as we discussed during the drug awareness part of my masters degree.. If someone's not coping so well in life, they may choose that venue to mellow out, to the point it feel a necessary part of their wind down, maybe, but NOTHING like alcohol. If you want to run screaming about the dangers of something, run that way.