I'm in highschool I started having this problem where I had a bad smell from my bum and noticed other people smelled it to when I would sit in the classroom I would start to smell a bad scent and I new I wasn't the only one that can smell it because I would hear other classmates whispering how bad it smelled and that made me paranoid.I use to not worry at all until this smell started coming out of no where.I started to go to the restroom 4 to 5 time a day to wipe but my ass is clean and when I walk out I still seem to smell it.I shower twice a day and make sure I clean good up in there with old spice and put on goldbond body powder to make sure I don't sweat down there.But even with no sweat I still seem to have a really bad oder that stinks up the class.I have no one to talk to because of how emberising this is and I seem not to smell bad at home. I can't live with this oder and keep going to the restroom every hour in school.