Are your worms scattered or just in the colon? It is amazing that it can be so hard to kill these bugs. There are still many things you can try, have u tried piperazine citrate? Prazi? Do u know what species of worms u have? I keep on the cloves for the rest of my life, to kill the eggs, or they just keep rehatching. It may be a life long maintenence if u are heavily infected. I too tried everything and then mattk3 came up with a whole new protocol that has stunned my worms, it takes time to kill the big ones, and alot of $ and consentration, can be overwhelming for those if us trying to work sick and stay afloat. I really feel i am making progress now. Im taking lots of zinc and minerals to keep my health from crashing. Chin up, keep on keeping on. Theres got to be a breakthrough soon.