Re: ascaris 123
If you have ever had a fungal die off, it is unmistakable.
Fungus dying smells like rotten Apples, Grapes, veggis.
Flukes dying also has a reek that can smell up the house. The smell is like rotting flesh.
Ascaris dying is like sweet rotting leaves. As your body lymph system gathers, it falls to the GI tract to remove.
Killing worms is a process best done at its own pace, and it is essential to take killing substances a month beyond the death of the last ones, to make sure they are dead, dead, dead.
This is a process I never want to repeat again.
Once you dial into their chemistry, you can kill at will. As your senses come back it also is apparent they do bad things.
Happy Hunting. The only good parasite, is a dead parasite.