My own take
I won't speak for anyone else past or present.
I know about myself and why I would not come here anymore.
I have just about shot my shot. Given just about all that might be of value and help to some here.
I have been able to reduce the numbers and mute a fair degree of suffering. Please don't ask what I did and do because it has been covered already by some here, including some aspects in my own posts, and it appears each has to find what helps for each.
There remains nothing much left to say or do.
I am still infected. Once a degree of quality of life is regained it is about trying to stay there.
It is not the higher quality of life before this all manifested itself.
It is a higher quality of life than the worst part of it.
What can one say or do after all is said and done?
That is why I will probably fade away.
Staying here and going on and on just focuses the mind and body on the affliction.
Once one goes as far as one can go toward recovery, to stay here might be counter-productive in life.
The affliction is bad enough in the life sucking category.
Staying here just sucks up more life energy and focus.
Life energy and focus, which are limited in and by nature, that could and should be expended in other arenas.
It seems appropriate to turn and focus on what life is left.
It is not a selfish thing. It is a survival thing to live what good may yet be in the life given.
That is, for me. To reiterate the first line in this post, I won't speak for anyone else past or present.
I'm going to draft the last line in a recent post I made. I think this is the healthiest take, for me, on the subject. It might be the last word for and from me on all of this. Here it is:
"Kind of like a WW2 GI scratching and itching in the field, afflicted with parasites, as he fought a bigger war."