Bad bloating after breaking 10 day water fast
Hello guys i have a serious question about if i broke my
Water Fast wrong. I mean i know i did i had cookies and ate some more days after. I didnt binge or anything i just ate like a normal person would. Spaghetti, cookies, tacos etc. But immediately after my stomach got bigger and was bloated. Im eating regularly sort of, usually at night only cas i work and sleep but im not binging and my stomach is still bloated.
I fasted for about 10 days and i know i didnt break it the best way but i wasnt even planning on it yet i was just hungry. Anyway its about a week later and my stomach is still bloated, or did it just go back to how it originally was. Bcas it wasnt that big. Was it the food and do you know if it'll ever go back down and it was not water weight. Should i try the fast again to go down? Or continue doing what im doing?
Ps. No im not on my period, im 19, a girl and this was my first time fasting if that info helps.