"Egg sac" parasites, praziquantel?
Some of you might have seen some of my past posts in the
parasites forum where I've shown how I've released massive quantities of parasites, almost daily for the last year or so. If you're interested, here's a link to a summary of photos:
Yesterday, my abdomen was in so much pain .. it felt like massive gas pain, so I decided to quickly do an enema and immediately after large quantities of tangled root-like or tentacle-like objects came out of me, I started to feel much better. Still had plenty of sore spots afterwards along most of my colon, I figure it was raw from having all those roots pulled out of it, leaving holes behind? I didn't get a chance to take a photo of those "roots" however.
With today's enema, I got out another "egg sac" like thing:
Anyone have any idea what this might be? It's about the size of a large pea, and it's hard to tell in the photo, but to my naked eye it looks like little beads inside of the whole thing. I've gotten out a total of maybe 7 or 8 over the past year.
After my second enema today, I also got these out:
Does the middle-left fragment look like a piece of a tapeworm? What are the two red stick like things on the top left?
I'm wondering if I should start praziquantel, any comments would be appreciated.