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Re: Desperate People Take Desperate Measures! Quick Cure?
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Published: 10 y
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Re: Desperate People Take Desperate Measures! Quick Cure?

After ten days of the oil /borax treatment, the redness seemed to be slowly disappearing, but then a few spots confined to the already infected area flared up. The didn't seem to be spreading to new areas, just around the edges, or within the already infected areas.
Last night I tried a one part borax, one part peroxide, three parts water solution, coating myself with that.
Another poster had good results with Hertz flea & tick dog shampoo, so then I rubbed in some Natural Chemistry Flea & Tick dog shampoo that supposedly kills fleas & ticks on contact, applying it to the infected areas. Not sure which solution was more effective, but some of the rash areas turned black and wiped right off, leaving nice clean skin, and all the infected areas improved very noticeably, so going with both of those.

Found some food grade diatomaceous earth without Bentonite today, so substituting that for the borax in the oil mixture. There was a substantial improvement over the past twenty-four hours, and the end of these parasites seem more in sight every day!


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