That's not a bad idea if the dec kills the eggs. I do think that old eggs are hatching still even after taking cloves until they came out my ears for months. I had such a heavy infection I can't even imagine how many eggs were left behind. I may try it once I'm done/adjusted with chelating after Amalgam removal. I start that today since I had my last Amalgams removed today. I also found out that my detox pathways are not working properly because I have not been digesting protein. So I'm deficient in asperagine and phosphorous which are both important for detoxing. Some of my toxic metals are very high such as cadmium, aluminum, and silver. Maybe I detoxed so much from killing worms that I wore them out! lol The body is so complex. Anyone going through this should get all the blood work to check for food allergies , and micronutrients so you can give your body exactly what it needs to fight these things. We have them because we are lacking something some where.