New Christmas movie is cinematic toilet paper
straight out of the Talmud
Salafist Islam may destroy our bodies, but Zionist Hollywood destroys our souls (Matt. 10:28)
Look at what the usual suspects who control Hollywood have done to Christmas this year
By Michael Hoffman •
On Christmas Eve Talmudic Judaics are supposed to refrain from their studies to mourn the birth of evil
Jesus. To demonstrate their contempt for Christ they are even encouraged to make toilet paper on Christmas
Eve! I don’t know what other religion other than the Church of Satan would encourage such a disgusting
custom, but as difficult as it is to believe, it’s a documented fact:
The cinematic equivalent of the rabbinic toilet-paper making
tradition, is a 2015 Christmas movie, “The Night Before,” timed to
appear in America’s theaters this Advent season. The movie was
produced by Seth Rogen and directed by Jonathan Levine. It stars
Rogen and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
Here’s an excerpt from the Los Angeles Times’ review titled,
“The Night Before’ Adds a Little Something Extra to Christmas
movies and Midnight Masses”:
“...a curly haired Jewish boy has arrived to remind us of the
reason for the season. I’m talking, of course, about Seth Rogen,
who stars in and produces ‘The Night Before,’ a raucous and
refreshing new take on the Christmas movie....From a cocaine- fueled diatribe of anxiety in a bar bathroom to a midnight Mass
meltdown wearing a blue Hanukkah sweater, he somehow
manages to convey vulnerability while behaving like a lunatic. It
is Rogen’s particular gift to seem decent while puking in
When do the media consider hate speech “raucous and
refreshing”? Answer: when Christianity is the target, and the speech
— in this case a movie — bears a remarkable affinity for the spirit behind the rabbinic “minhag” of degrading
Christ during the season that commemorates the feast of His birth.
None of this would be possible in an Islamic nation or any civilized nation for that matter, but here it is on
the big screen at your local movieplex, in the land of the “God bless America” bumperstickers, where super- patriots point fingers and accuse Russia and Iran of being founts of evil.
The founts of evil who cooked up the toilet paper-making on Christmas Eve passed their mentality onto
their spiritual children in Hollywood and “The Night Before” is the result, here in the land of el Cesspool
Independent History and Research • Box 849 • Coeur d’Alene • Idaho 83816
New Christmas movie is cinematic toilet paper
straight out of the Talmud
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