Soft? Obvious? Garbage? Where did we get off track?
You seem to be too concerned with trying to upplay your product and decry the others. If your product is as good as you think, it will sell itself, and I would think you would be giving it away to anyone in serious need or anyone who could prove its theraputic efficacy and superiority.
Do you discount the 2015 report from the Hebrew University? Its newer and more involved than the report from Rice and the quote you shared sounds more philosophical than scientific.
BTW Wasnt it Becker who noticed the actions of ion exchange in the late 50s? So why mention it as if its new and important on this topic?
I thought we were beyond arguing about whether silver worked, or was toxic ect ect and had moved on to finding the most effective and economical way to utilize it. I dont think there needs to be any arrogance or berating in the discussion.