Ive seen flukes, ascarias amd ropes in my stool. Definately worms in the inside, now scattered. Ive also seen small tapes. They are scattered and recently hatched new ones when i low dosed the meds. I can feel them under my skin, not on top of the skin, 5 or 6 of the new ones crawling up my neck to my scalp and abt 1/4"-1/2". I have several large ones in my back and sides and cevix area as well. Mattk3 said the prickly ones are the cloris flukes (he has them come out of his scalp). I have also passed the buska flukes. If u did zap on scalp then I will give it a try. The scalp ones are hard to ignore. Definately parasites of a variety. Wish it wasnt so.