My EC started as constantly chapped lips in high school. I don't know why or how but my lips were always dry every day for the entire 4 yrs I was in high school. It didn't turn into full EC until my 2nd year in college when I was using aquaphor regularly and suddenly it started turning my lips white and my lips would always turn white when wet and kept peeling in layers. 3 years later and no improvement.
I used all kinds of chapsticks, oils, and lip creams with no success. I used the strongest steroid Clobetasol on my lips for 2 months including other steroids like protopic and that nystatin one with no change. Tested negative for food allergies . Tried no sugar, no gluten, no meat for months with no change. I also had a lip biopsy with no useful results.
I think I narrowed it down to intestinal problems for me because of constant loose stool and it seems like an internal problem but I don't know how to treat it. Probiotics and diets didn't help. So far I had EC for about 4 years.