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Re: Drugs are not working
HotelParasite Views: 855
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Re: Drugs are not working

I am no expert but since I can relate to your experience I will tell you what I did.

I had taken double doses of everything. Way past the recommended dose to try to kill the parasites.

While lurking at CZ I read a post where someone suggested that resistance to meds was a result of a fungal biofilm. I immediately went to my pets lufenuron and took One 400 mg capsule. That was all I took that day and for the next four days. The herxing from that one capsule threw me down.

On the positive side it proved I had a bad fungal infection and biofilm. The parasite meds can't get through the biofilm that protects the parasites.

Since that day I have gradually built up the Lufenuron to the recommended dose. I continue to take the parasite meds and they are dying as I would hope.
I don't take the full recommended dose of the parasite meds anymore because without the biofilm the meds work fine at lower doses.

Read up on what Lufenuron is and does. It is not FDA approved for use in the US but most European countries use it a lot. I can attest to the fact that it works. It was the key to everything for me. The vitamins I take are actually doing something now rather than just feeding the parasites.

I also had the inability to walk issue. After some reading I discovered GABA. It's considered a nonesential amino acid. After one pill the pain in my leg was gone. I continue to take Gaba 3 times a day. I'm just guessing but I think one or all of the parasite meds throw the body chemistry off.

I hope this helps. Don't give up.


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