Well, IF I have done parasite cleansing first, I have certainly not at all necessarily had any ill feelings after the flush, even though I got out tons of stones. Herxheimer effect is common though.
Please be sure you are taking plenty of probiotics, most especially since you are doing colonics. colonics where are just using about a quart or two of water are not too invasive, though you still need to replenish probiotics. Very high colonics are very bad in my opinion. They wash out all kinds of good bacteria and how do you know that they are being adequately replaced with things you ingest? What kinds of things to ingest? Dannon's yogurt or any kinds of yogurt that say they contain things like acidophilus. Put some in your final colonic water flush too.
Low probiotics are being shown to be related to Depression and even are implicated - via the birth canal - in autism per some.