Re: Long-Time Iodine User with New Abnormal Labs...Need Advice
I'm also waiting for all the old timers and experienced people to chip in here and advise you.
While we wait, I also had a few thoughts and wanted to give some support. I hope you are doing OK and not feeling too stressed!
I'm very new to
Iodine though I have been detoxing and working on health about 10 years.
I'm on 150mg iodoral plus 300mg
SSKI . I have been taking
Iodine for 3 months.
My questions would be:
Were you tested for antibodies ever, BEFORE taking iodine? If so how long ago, and what was the result? (I am wondering if this condition could have been pre-existing)
Do you have mercury fillings or have you had them removed? Have you done heavy metal cleansing, and if so, which method did you use? Mercury can cause autoimmune/thyroid issues.
What is your diet?
Do you eat gluten?
What other supplements do you take?
Do you have tea or coffee, if so how strong and how much?
Fluoride in water/toothpaste?
I can't help wondering if the selenium is a little low at 200mcg for 125mg iodine, and whether you need more antioxidant power than 2,000mg vitamin C, but the more experienced people will be able to give you the best information on this. I could be wrong about that and I guess each individual situation is different.
And of course it could be that you are taking too much iodine. I am interested to hear what your answer is, especially as you are feeling good, and your symptoms got better on iodine, but you got these abnormal lab results.
The high TSH for example I had thought was only temporary as the body makes best use of the new influx of iodine, and it would have resolved itself well before 2 years had passed. Again I could be wrong and will be very interested to hear what more knowledgeable people will say. And the high TPO, well I thought that
Iodine was supposed to treat that, not cause it (given that the questions I raised above have been addressed).
I wish Dr. Brownstein was a member here and answered questions. Please keep us updated, especially on what your ND says and what you decide to do next. I think we can all learn from it.
Best wishes,