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Re: Adrenal Fatigue- How to detox an EXTREMELY SENSITIVE LIVER? Please help!
Plathinator Views: 2,644
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Re: Adrenal Fatigue- How to detox an EXTREMELY SENSITIVE LIVER? Please help!

Also, one supplement that would probably really help you is ox bile taken with every meal (250mg minimum). Not only will this help digest any fats in your food but the bile acids from the capsules will be reabsorbed in your intestine into your liver where they are used to produce more bile AND regenerate the liver (there's studies done on this). there is a bile "loop" where bile is reused by the body and if you're not producing or releasing enough, it's hard for your body to reabsorb what it needs to make more.

Also take good quality digestive enzymes with every meal. These helped me more than anything else. Enzymes are soooo important to digestion which is why raw food is so helpful for any digestive or any health issue in general. I would stop taking any other supplements as they might just be stressing your liver and you don't want to cause any more stress to it. Just focus on getting the food side of things sorted with lots of raw foods (plus ox bile and digestive enzymes) and this will actually help to detox your system at a pace it can keep up with. Be sure to drink lots of water if you start feeling detoxification going on because this will happen with lots of raw food as it cleanses the colon. Once your digestive system is moving better and toxins are being carried out of your system with regular bowel movements then you could look at reintroducing some of the other detox methods you mentioned you had tried.

You can do it!!!!


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