I just finished an 11 day water fast, I broke it with watermelon. I feel great now, just a bit exhausted. My diet wasn't the greatest, ate fast food once in a while, junk food, ate a lot but I have a fast metabolism so I didn't gain weight. I went from 164 to 149 during the 11 day fasts During my entire fast I didn't feel good at all, but it didn't affect me, I got through my days with a healthy mind, it was all just physical. The question I'm wanting to ask is I broke my fast while my tongue was coated white (it still is), I've read that it's best to break it after the coating goes away, while the tongue is pink because that's when your body is fully clean and your fast is essentially finished. Im wondering if my tongue will lose the coating at all, there isn't much of a coating as a couple of days ago I brushed it almost all with an Ora brush.