Re: liver flush advice/guidance
You have quite a few health conditions and all can be healed. First thing to know is that we do not get this way overnight and there are no quick fix solutions.
Some things can be done simultaneously, but some may have to be in certain order.
Liver Flush is great!!! I do it every year once if not more than once.
So let us start with the most important part of being healthy, which what we eat. Since you do not mention what is your diet like, I cannot say much, but can mention that all the issues you mention will definitely helped with eating plant based diet, raw if possible. One most important food you can include in your daily regimen is a strong probiotics such as Kefir, Kombucha tea or probiotics pills. What this does is first corrects and improves your gut microbial balance. IBS will be helped just by eating this way.
Second, I would do a
Colon Cleanse with
Oxypowder or similar cleanse.
Third, do a kidney cleanse. Dr. Shculze has a very good product for this. Once your organs of elimination are healthy than you can do liver flush.
Fourth, do
Liver Flushes every few weeks to clean your liver and help it to make rest of the body work better.
Fifth, include
Iodine (Lugol's), one or two drops to start with and also take the co-supplements. You can go to
Iodine forum and ask questions.
After doing all this if you are not helped, fasting with water only will help you for sure.
I am sorry, if you are doing all or some of these things already.