* dry skin, eyes,loss of perspiration,
low body temperature, weight gain
All are classic severe Iodine deficiency symptoms.
Sorry to say, most doctors are slash (sell Surgeries), burn (sell radiation), drug dealers (peddle expensive drugs for big pharma), and attempt to lock us into office visits for life. They know NOTHING about curing vitamin + mineral deficiency diseases. These doctors could not recognize a problem thyroid if it bit them in the nose. I recommend seeing an Iodine trained doctor: http://breastcancerchoices.org/ipractitioners.html
Erectile Dysfunction is a special health problem for men. Iodine will certainly help, but the MAIN PROBLEM is normal degeneration of our cardiovascular system. The 1st to suffer is the penile blood vessels. This degradation of our cardiovascular system begins at around age 30 and progresses severely until we die of heart disease. We can reverse this process by taking inexpensive supplements to restore our cardiovascular system, and thusly cure ED . Details here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vpBf2OUlekJ1gjPy4G_SUSL5BLXc9rp0mO-4KTVuATA/edit#
All indications point to SEVERE iodine deficiency. Because of this, there is a very good chance that he has Hashimotos so he should start on 400mcg of selenomethionine daily until his thyroid antibodies get back to normal (at home testing), then start a low dosage of ioine. See details here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1751jwypZ4nugKFA3Nk4PJ2MgDbnrVz5an3c76C7hdok/edit?pli=1#