Re: blastocystis
I wasalso diagnosed with blasto. I have plenty of other
parasites as well (worms etc). What all the 'experts' said that i had been to is that blasto almost always comes together with d. fragilis. Anyways, there is no standard cure procedure. Many therapists have many cures and protocolls, according to what they think works. For me
Sugar made things really bad, worse than it is already as well as carbs. Blasto is a yeast like protozoa, so the last expert i visited advised a special diet for it. Basically a rotation diet. Veggies of every kind, and fatty fish and white meat (eggs and pork fat also ok). No fruit and no carbs, no sugar, no coffee, no black tea. Mostly green leafy veggies, with very small amount of potatoes. Also no dairy or soy. The rotation should be every 5 days, every day and every meal must be something different. So every 5 days you eat 1 type of food only once. She did say that in her experience flagyl really does not work. But this diet, according to her patient's experience, did. A meal should be 50% protein and 50% veggies. With bouillon every day.
After trying this diet my loose stools became more normal. The veggies have a lot fiber and the proteins help restore the intestine walls. But because i have other things as well, this is not a cure for me.
Probiotics are usually making things worse, contrary to many beliefs how good it is for GI problems. Mainly because most probiotic products are derived from cow's which then of course causes a bad raction to your already irritated bowel. I have heard that there is only one human identical probiotic on the market but i still have to look up. In any case, the priority should be first killing off what you have, then rebuild inside. So starting with rebuild does not really work.
before you do anything you should really do the test. If that is not what you have, you are wasting your time.