I feel like all I do is whine here, but all of your support has been helpful. After a very difficult Day 6 and 7, I thought I was headed for better times. I had a few hours yesterday afternoon where I felt GREAT (too good to be true). Then last night, a terrible headache came on. Again, I didn't sleep more than about 2 hours but I'm wide awake. This can't be good. Today, it's my stomach.....more nausea. I had two BM's this morning without doing anything. I guess that means I'm purging something. I thought I'd feel great today, only to be greatly disappointed. Is this just more detoxing? I'm not doing SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) (can't keep it down) but am doing lax tea. I haven't had any today because of the two BM's this morning. Still drinking lemonade and lots of water, but it seems this just keeps getting harder. Any advice? I just want to make it to 10 days.