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Re: Will Ciprofloxacin Kill Parasites ?
razmanugget Views: 7,058
Published: 10 y
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Re: Will Ciprofloxacin Kill Parasites ?

Okay, so we have been on cipro (1000mg daily) and metronidazole (1200mg daily), while also taking 30mg of albendazole daily for our bird mite infestation.

It feels a little like a "fish fog" has settled on my brain. Reading is a little difficult and following a normal TV show takes my full concentration now - like they speak so fast that I have trouble keeping up.

We are on day 11 of the Antibiotics and plan to go 20 days. Definitely concerned about the cipro flox reaction, but the alternative is to continue to have bird mites in our bodies and the longer we have the bird mites, the more deeply embedded they become (we've had them for 15 months now).

I can see how it doesn't make sense to use cipro for something as common as a UTI, but when you reach our level of desperation, there aren't a lot of other options. We've tried 100+ external treatments which have all failed (some have helped, but the goal is to be 100% cured and not 95%).

I'm not arguing that cipro is safe, but desperate times may call for desperate measures.


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