day 6 of water fast
Hello All,
Today is day 6 of my water fast, I have not lost a pound at all ... I really believe my metabolism has completely shut down. My blood
Sugar is still great, it was 73 this morning. Yesterday evening the
Sugar was 64. My blood pressure still as stubborn as ever 151/90 which is even worse than all the previous days.
I remember 6 years ago before I knew anything about water fasting, I lost 60 pounds... I did that by eating so little, but I'd still eat every day. I am thinking that I had lost a lot of weight back then because my metabolism was still running due to the little quantity of food I ate, I ate like 300 calories per day... and weight loss is what I am really targeting also to reverse my health issues. I wonder if that is not the best route to take considering that I have a day job as a software developer requiring so much mental focus.
Archus, Desertlili ... any advise on this ? Thank you