Everything you just mentioned as happened to me. The thing I disagree with is that this is "sleep paralysis". I believe this is a spiritual experience, Wether good or bad. Of course every condition they Will find a name for it. Sleep paralysis happens to only 8% of people in the whole world, 8. For the 8% all of our experiences are very similar and if its Just a dream, why is this happening in the same room we are in. Normally when we dream, there occur in other places, not in your bedroom. Why are all the visions or as you say hallucinations, some type of demonic vision, for me mine are always alien figures. Tall or short, big heads and long arms in my bed room and I have paralysis as well. I believe this is something more than Just a simple dream, but what, I haven't figured out. For me this is not at all a good experience. It's only happened twice, 13 yrs ago and again last week. It has me taking medicine to get to sleep because I'm so scared to close my eyes. This is really affected my life.