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Supermoon affecting anyone else?
drycabin Views: 1,716
Published: 9 y

Supermoon affecting anyone else?

Supermoon affecting anyone else? After years of suffering food and skin allergies, constant stomachs, and countless other symptoms, I stumbled upon an article that said my ridged brittle nails could be due to parasites. I didn't believe it until I read that full and/or new moons make symptoms worse and realized I could correlate my sick days going back two years to the lunar cycle! It wasn't long before I discovered this site and started parasite cleansing. My first cleanse was May 18 and I've done a cleanse every month since, making sure to cover a new and full moon cycle. My stomach problems all but disappeared after the second cleanse but I kept going because I kept seeing stuff. (BTW like so many on this site, I wasted precious time with doctors and specialists, none of whom could offer me anything - not even relief of my symptoms!) Today I woke up with a bubbly bloated feeling stomach today and just realized it might be the supermoon when my husband told me a co-worker's dock broke due to the extreme high tide. Is anyone else having pronounced symptoms?

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