Re: Stage-4 cancer cured in 7 weeks without chemotherapy, says remarkable patient
That's quite a tale, Worthy of a SCi Fi book, but let me give you my version.
I have used and studied self hypnosis for 30 years or so, and I understand the sub consious mind, and the conscious mind.
The sub conscious mind is like a hard drive in your computer that records everything even before you were born that happens to you, what you have been taught by your parents, teachers, preachers, friends, etc. As soon as your brain is developed enough to ask why in relation to some of the things you've been taught, you develope your own truths, and opinions on what you believe.
It records your feelings, hurts, habits [good or bad]and beliefs [right or wrong].
On the` other hand the conscious mind is busy with your waking thoughts, decisions you have to make, opinions, and all the other distraction that you are made to deal with.
That's where Self Hypnosis, and EFT come in the picture. Practiced right they allow the quieting of the mind so as to get in touch with the sub concious and Communicate with it.
The sub conscious mind works for you, and will change any habit feeling, or any thing else just like you can on the hard drive of your computer. I used SH for years until Gary Craig brought EFT to curezone years ago. I found that it was a faster way to communicate with the SM, so I started using it instead. Then I found a faster version that worked as well, and that's what I use now. If fasting and you feel hunger pangs you can shut the hunger pangs off. If having pain you can turn the pain off. Shut fears down, etc. I use it for everything.
The secret to communicating with the SM is just to quiet the mind. It has nothing to do with other entities, or other forces.
However when it comes to Poisons dumped into the blood stream from an infected tooth, or the mercury vapor from being inhaled, or swallowed, or any other issue where the toxins are working 24/7, you can't stop the damage they do. You may be able to stop the symptoms just like the Dr's do, but the destruction of the tissues will go on, and eventually causing problems.