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Re: How do people react when you're around?
Light Vador Views: 9,075
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Re: How do people react when you're around?

Hey! Good Afternoon! I completely understand your troubles. And I am completely confident that considering you came this far to inquir to fix the problem you would have fixed your odor problem if you had one. You don't stink. I honestly have no scientific evidence just an idea that these people are doing this because naturally we sniff because that is how mammals find their mate. They do not know that they are doing it so it is psychological. But they like you, something about you. It is crazy sometimes because it never stops happening. I just cough back. Or scratch my nose back at them so that they can feel it too! Lol you are not the only one. Please don't kill yourself. You are clearly special "He that shall endureth until the end shall receive the kingdom of Heaven" (bible scripture) passing them in their cars, walking past them, entering a room, using the computer...etc. it happens. Doesn't mean that the males who do this are homo's they aren't aware. Something was triggered naturally. Or vise versa though I tend to believe we all are curious to our own individual extent.


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