10 y
Re: Hyperinfection patients
We're all pulling for you, hope your MD works out, there are still some good intentioned ones out there, but truly we have to be our own researchers now a days...
I'm unsure as to how a hyper infection could be approached without improving overall health first, which could take a few years.
I just can't help but think of Dr. Joel Fuhrman and how he speaks of phytochemicals from plants and how they unleash a sequence of healing in our own DNA. These chemicals actually "speak" to our DNA to heal.
That is how I approached it, but I don't think I had scattered ascaris, so it may take someone else longer to heal, and may take a bit more faith in the natural food, herbs and botanicals.
I would add cleansing to the mix at some point, colon,
Liver Flushing and coffee enemas.
The diet is key, the organs, immune system, cells, glands, everything comes alive when raw plants are consumed exclusively, as long as calorie requirements are met, there is nothing lacking...(this is only possible with large amounts of fruit, greens are added for healing with chlorophyl and minerals, nuts and seeds for fats in small amounts)
good luck friend