Re: Biofilmic breakdown, release of heavy metals
Thanks so much for your reply illys/elisah! OK, this has turned out to be awfully long, sorry ...
Biofilmic breakdown/release of heavy metals = YES, that's the conclusion I've been coming to as well.
I had some more metallic/bitter releases yesterday though not as strong. I oil pulled again. I also got a mini mouth ulcer on my tongue (ouch).
2 things make me think this is it:
1 - I got some black sooty stuff coming from just a few facial pores yesterday (not oxidised sebum/blackheads forming, I know what they look like). When I rub it between my fingers it is like carbon. This has always happened before during a time of metal release. I have no idea what the stuff is. During chelation I used to get certain mental symptoms during metal release because the chelation removed mercury from the brain. This time there are no mental symptoms, just the sooty stuff - probably because the release is coming from my mouth/head tissues but not the actual brain. I think my whole mouth tissue/head area might still have metal/biofilm toxins in it, and
Iodine is helping to release them.
2 - It's a complicated story so I won't go into it here, but I have a back tooth that I am not sure if it's bad or not - either it's bad, or I have a nerve problem there. No
root canal but a deep filling. I keep it under control but it is possible there is biofilm toxicity in there. When I can, I will be seeing a biological dentist to check it out (I would prefer to fix it myself as I want to avoid dental work unless really necessary). Even if it's not bad inside, there is some receding/tartar & therefore biofilm on that tooth that I'm fixing myself.
Iodine might be allowing release from that area too.
Something else is I had a lot of schisandra a few days ago, too much actually. That could have caused a liver release of toxins.
I have been thinking about combining the two forms of selenium too. I'm impressed by the anticancer properties of SeMC and had also read that the SeMC form is supposed to be good for preventing autoimmune issues in the thyroid. But I'd like to add the methionine version so I get the benefits of both.
I'm a bit jumpy about taking so much selenium. I don't think I was deficient in it before I started. I'm on 400mcg Se, for 100mg iodoral + 300mg
SSKI . Do you think this is about right?
For zinc, I get a lot from food. Re. supplementing, I took absolutely loads of the stuff during cutler chelation, because I suspected copper toxicity (cutler interpretation of my hair test). I think that I ended up taking too much in the end, and I felt better stopping it altogether and getting my zinc from food instead. Re. copper, I think I have some packed away in my liver that is non-bioavailable, so I'm working on gently releasing it with C, NAC, and taurine/glycine. I cannot take copper supplements (like liver or pure copper) or I get sick from them, which also indicates I've got enough copper.
My b2/b3 reactions were mainly a sick/ill/toxic feeling - I was also feeling woozy/out of it when i was taking ATP cofactors.
I've experimented with so many supplements over the past 10 years, mostly I can tolerate all of them fine, but there are just a select few that I can't. I feel instintively better without supplements if I can manage it.
I have done so many cleanses over the years, that I think I am getting quite clean in many ways. I react fast to things and they are processed quickly it seems.
I think that the problem with the co-factors for me is the B2 riboflavin - I honestly think I don't need very much of it. I have read that it's important not to take too much of B2 compared to the other Bs. It feels like taking too much of it knocks me out of balance. I have tried so many times over the years to take high doses of B vitamins (like a B-100 every day) but they just don't suit me. I'm reached my limit with making myself ill from experimenting with them! So now I just take little bits as I need them. For example, I took 100mg/day of thiamine for a while to correct a B1 deficiency, but then was it was corrected, the pendulum swung the other way and I needed to stop it. Right now I'm making my own form of the B complex GinaGirl uses, with the same very low dosages. I'll take that to cover my bases and get the rest from food, plus extra single Bs as needed.
I'm limiting B2 to around 5-10mg a day right now, and adding the B3 in niacin form because I want the capillary opening effect (around 50-100mg for that).
For candida, I've done a lot of candida detox in the past with high doses of candida killers, enzymes,
colonics etc. Think I'm OK-ish with that.
To knock out any last candida I think the
Iodine will help, and I restarted biotin at 5mg/day, and then of course the boron. I am thinking about switching to borax instead of boron capsules for a while. I get tired of eating so much capsule filler, so it would be nice to go with the pure powder in water. I was thinking of starting with 1/8 teaspoon, maybe working up to 1/4 teaspoon a day.
I think that I had some kind of infection in my gut that the iodoral helped with - no idea if it was bacterial, viral, mycoplasma, parasite, fungal - but I believe the iodine is wiping it out.
My plan:
Increase C to help with detox - I have to buffer it now, as I'm getting too acidic from straight ascorbic.
Add oregano oil drops to oil pulling oil, do my best to do it twice a day
Probably switch to half/half SeMC and methionine form
Carry on with NAC, to help liver release (that's very interesting what you said about the liver-mouth taste link)
Try putting a drop of 5%
Lugol's direct on the problem area on my tooth/gum ... I wonder if this will irritate it?
One new thing is that I got a new thermometer in the post today - I tested myself and I'm shocked at how low it is - just 96.6 degrees mid morning. And I thought I was feeling warmer! I've been on iodine 5 weeks ... wonder how long before my temperature will be normal? I think low body temperature has a lot to answer for, especially in allowing the growth of infections. Would love my thyroid to be humming along and keeping my temperature normal, it would fix a lot of issues I think.
Denmark, I've heard good things but never been there! :) I'm in England.
edited to add: realised I never said why I started iodine in the first place! It's to correct suspected hypothyroidism (low temperature, feeling awful/flu-like when I wake up, neuropathy etc. (done the benfotiamine didn't work - think it's due to hypo)). Also I think I was very low in iodine and it'll benefit all the cells of the body, give extra energy, and is great for women generally.