Wow! When I read your post I swear it's almost identical to my relationship. I'm 22 and she's 20. Knew her from high school loved her we talked off and on finally started dating a year ago and boooom about 6 months ago totally changed. Things can be fine one minute the next she's upset coming up with some bogus illness like a headache just to get attention. Also pressures me everyday about getting married and swears she's stands behind me but completely gets pissed off and starts a fight when I have to work a weekend...I work in public service for a town I have to work on weekends and holidays and I also make twice the amount she does but she can't fathom that instead gets mad acts like a child starts a fight says I don't care...but for real man they are the ones that don't care I believe that they do care about us but they don't care about us more than they do getting their way at any means. Soooo I'm with you man! Agreed she can make me the maddest and then so happy but I'm more mad alllll the time than I am happy. I think we both should say bye bye to them forever and move on