Re: SIBO, Candida and Fun Times!
Thanks for the enema link and all the insight. There is no way to be sure but I feel it's likely I *had* SIBO. I took Rifaximin for two weeks, which usually does a very good job of eradicating bacteria. Usually I hear SIBO sufferers take it, feel better/lose the gas, but then the SIBO comes back because the root cause hadn't been addressed, or else they fail to restore friendly gut flora correctly and the bad guys return.
In my case though, my gas got worse even though I felt huge improvement with my ileocecal valve. I had theorized the malfunctioning valve from too much roughage (seeds) caused the dysbiosis to begin with, again no way to know for sure. I also used a new product caused Atrantil that directly counters harmful bacteria's cycle of methane and hydrogen at the same time as rifaximin! This hydrogen/methane cycle impairs your motility creating an even better environment for bad bacteria/yeast to have their way. I still have a huge stock of Atrantil ready to call down punishment and my motility/IC valve is now simply fine. So, I am *cautiously* theorizing that I have SIBO under control, and that I MIGHT be in the clear to let good bacteria fight yeast wherever it can be done. Although I had SIBO I now believe the yeast caused me to lose my voice and caused most of the gas all along, which is why the gas got WORSE when I killed the bacteria -the hydrogen/methane bacteria screwed up motility letting further bad bacteria and yeast thrive, but with motility/IC valve functioning restored I'm hoping bacteria are no longer a threat. The unfortunate irony is that once in place, candida is not quite as easy to kick as bacteria once you do this. It's already established, and pissed off, and has no competition from the killed bacteria. If anyone knows they have SIBO and candida, be prepared that the candida will be out in full force when you kill the bacteria and be better prepared than I was.
All that said -I think I may continue taking galactumone WITH probiotics, and then take it again 16-18 hours later for a second wind when the probiotics reach the colon. Several times I have taken coconut oil, probiotics, and sauerkraut bathed in garlic, closely following each other. I get gas fairly quickly, suggesting candida is being killed from early in the GI tract. If the gas isn't from dying yeast, what then? There's not much in that cocktail I think they would like to munch on. I take it as an indication I'm infected pretty far up the small intestine -indeed, my stomach failed to insulate it from my throat when I lost my voice months ago. That's assuming SIBO isn't a problem of course -but I'm really rather confident of that. When I fought bacteria it corrected symptoms that have not returned.
Based on your comments and others, I think I'll accept some certified gluten-free oats. I think the benefits of it carrying glutamine deeper and supporting my HyperPP muscles with carbs are worth it. I'll watch that very carefully though.
I think your attack plan was very smart, but I am trying to be aggressive and refine it for faster results...or if not, just for science. :) For example, I read that lactobacillus acidophilus is uniquely resistant to the acid in coconut oil. My theory is that with a lot of refinement, you could flood your system with specific anti-fungals AND probiotic strains that are resistant to them. Do this while restricting carbs and sugar, and really kick the candida in the butt. Later on though you would have to change tactics if you want good guy yeasts to help with the final war of attrition in the cecum where your antifungals are unlikely to reach.
All highly theoretical at this time but I feel armed to the teeth and ready to take this out.