Re: Can wormwood/cloves/black walnut tincture kill brain parasites?
You don't want to live with
parasites in your brain.
Kill the
parasites and at the same time take Doxycycline long term. For the whole time you are killing them and for any further time you are doing maintenance doses.
2 or 3 months to start with.
You can buy it online. Google the words. Fish / Aquarium / Doxycycline.
Yes, its safe. Yes, it's the same stuff.
It's safer than
parasite in the brain.
I have taken three bottles of it over two years.
I don't want anything left behind. Not one bacteria.
The Doxy will clean up the illnesses they release, also clean up the bacteria from their rotting bodies (doesn't that make you smile). Then your immune system will remove the bodies as they break down.
You will need anti-inflammatories.
Print out ICU protocol and find what you can on taking Albendazole and study it, Then stick it up on the bathroom wall and read it every day. Don't skip a step. Not one step.
Someone I was helping skipped the Doxy and ended up with a heart valve with "tree-like+ fungus growing on it and having open heart surgery.
Buy the Doxy. Take the Doxy. For a long long time.