Of Topic, opinions?
A bit of topic this one, but I have watched this youtube guy for a time. His videos are almost riddle like, and his comments even more so
What do you guys get out of these "parable like" statements (Do you make sense of it, or just pablum?)
"Just going on continuing believing you have to die to get to Heaven. Cause that's exactly, how you'll get there. But You will never make it too the Emerald City...dead!Moses(the Levitte, a priestly class of the AshkeNazi Jew)...The father of monotheistic(1God worship). Exodus 11-"Thus say'ith the Lord, tonight I will go out and kill all the Egyptians first born"...."Child Sacrifice. Period!".....Moses Exodus 32 (His second religious "bloodletting" in the name of his God). Moses had the Sons of Levi(the Levittes) slaughter the Israelites who went back to worshipping "The Golden Calf". The Many God's of Egypt (See:Senmut Tomb Artifact) worshipped, The Leg of the Bull(Taurus)...."The Bull's GOLDEN CALF".... Revelation 17: "This calls for a mind with wisdom. The Seven heads represent the Seven Mountains upon which the Woman sits...."The Leg of the Bull(Taurus), The Seven Sister's of the Pleiades. "The Woman is that Great City that rules over the Kings of Earth" Revelation 17:18.....But just go on continuing to believe "Heaven" is some mystical fairy place. Because they've been telling you everything....."The Emerald City is above your head......."Where Dorothy is trying to get too.....And OZ-wald was shot by Ruby......"The Exit, is Stage Left! Out of Portland, Oregon....The Carpenter's of the Pleiades, are bringing "The Hebrew Hammer, Jesus Christ "The Superstar/Comet Ison", to the Stone Masons of the Eighteenth Egyptian Dynasty of Moses, "The United States of America, the Reptilian brained "War Machine" You support! So, Get Out of the Way!" Or don't.....I don't really give a shit what you do anymore. Revelation 22:16"