Sounds terrifying and more than awful. They say that it is the ascarias or roundworms that like to migrate in the eyes ears and sinuses. You may have several different kinds of parasites. Not sure if it is this in your case but yeast can cause the papercuts in vag. Candida is common in people with parasites, luckily there are many candida treatments. Monistat suppositories can be bought at walmart or prescribed by a gyn. The battle is a long one as both the yeast and the parasites are always growing and reproducing. Plan on being on a protocol for both for a long time. Mattk3 has a good protocol using meds and herbs, ICU has a strickly med protocol. The mucus is possibly goop the worms excrete, and they will excrete more and more as u fight them. Once so ill it is near impossible to get rid of them all but there are a few sucess stories that keep hope alive for all of us who are enduring the cruelty of this disease.