Complete GI tract cleansing (shanka prakshalana)
I think it can be helpful for many to try. I had done this some 15 years ago and only recently found an article about it and decided to do it again. It is recommended to do it before seasons change, to help the body to adjust. It works well with skin problems, tiredness, any kind of digestive problems, cleans the liver as well. After doing it i really felt completely clean and i had to go on a diet for about a month, until the gut flora is completely built up again.
These videos will give you an idea (i apologize for her strong accent):
It is important to first do it with an experienced teacher, as there might be some questions and details along the way that you might need help with. After that it can be easily practiced at home. I plan to do it before the
parasite cleanse. There is a short version (laghu prakshalana) which can be done in the morning, for those suffering from constipation, but i think this one is really necessary a few times a year.
Also detailed description you find here (including other yoga kriyas/cleanses)
There is one info about
parasite there as well, only a sentence, but still, worth reading :)
Happiness and good health to all of you!