Are you able to get ahold of borax? A simple dilution of borax in water is very effective, with extra virgin coconut oil or almond oil to moisturize the skin after the wash will do. All three of those are powerfully anti-andidic.
If those are hard to get ahold of, buy apple cider vinegar, use it as a skin soak with a wet washcloth, and buy baby zinc oxide diaper rash cream. The zinc oxide burns like a angry female dog for the first 10-15 minutes if you've been itching. but trust me, it's a goooood burn. =u=! (emotion/smile) Especially if you're doing in that-which-should-not-be-growing-there.
Palmolive 'naturals' are soap bars made without sodium-laureth-sulfate, but they are best for everyday handwashing. If you've got a rash, be rash and brash.