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SUCCESS against threadworm using acid free diet

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SUCCESS against threadworm using acid free diet

Found this info online. Posting it here in case it helps someone


Sep 17, 2012
I had intermittent bouts of threadworm since 2004 which became chronic and severe about 3 years ago. As nothing conventional was working I decided to try a different approach. I am now clear.

It is essential that Threadworm is fed glucose in order to breed. Glucose is derived in abundance from carbs such as refined sugars, grains (bread pasta), fruit juices, soft drinks, processed and fermented foods (such as cheese). These also make the body very acidic and prone to illness.

Chronic Threadworm is a symptom, a sign that the body is totally out of balance.

I started on an acid free diet about 9 months ago. the threadworm symptoms dropped within a week by 80% , and after a few weeks by about another 10%. I would get a surge in symptoms if I broke the diet, but I can be a bit more relaxed now. It has taken months to gradually clear it, but it is possible using diet alone.

I am sure though that the infection would return if I resumed my old habit of Sugar and wheat addiction

. I also have far more energy and dont wake up exhausted every morning.

The low acid diet cures a list of problems such as bowel disorders, Candida, chronic fatigue etc...and boosts the immune system.

Websites which may help are: http://

also loads of info, food charts, and recipes on google.

Threadworm is not a disease, and IS NOT a hygiene issue. If it was then the obsessive neurotic hygiene programs which are advised for this condition, would work.

Also, parasites are able to genetically adapt to medication in order to survive, which is why the drugs usually dont work.

Please dont try the fasting - you will put the parasite into survival mode and weaken your immune system.

Also please dont insert raw garlic internally. Garlic is deceptively powerful and you will develop internal ulcers of your mucose membranes.

My best wishes to everyone reading this - no matter what - keep your self esteem high - essential.

To anyone who tries the low-acid diet - if you have success too, PLEASE return and leave some feedback so that others can benefit. THANK YOU


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