Re: Endometriosis and water fasting
There are many websites where women talk about Endo, just google Endo and fasting. You need to be prepared to read about the naysayers, as well. I am a man so do not know first hand what one would feel while fasting in this condition, nor do I know anyone with this condition. But have read a lot on the net. Many women do fine with 21 days fast. Some 30 days, some many short fasts.
I am sorry but I do not understand question #3 and #4. Please elaborate so perhaps ladies on this forum may be able to help.
General comment, (I know you said no, but) It is important to know that the fasting will help Endo. The length of the fast is dependant on individual's condition (other health issues, etc.), at what stage the disease has progressed and person's attitude towards fasting. A long fast till the true hunger returns is sure to help. In many severe cases, of any disease, two or more fasts are required. The most important part is the diet after the fast. It is vital to eat plant based raw food diet. The western world eats too much of animal protein and processed foods, major cause of most inflammations.
I hope you have enough ammunition to help your loved one.
Good luck.