Re: Difference between real hunger and false hunger? What to do with the latter?
Thanks. Perhaps there is more than one hunger sensation in the mouth and throat, and the one you describe is not what Shelton, etc. mean when they talk of true hunger? I think they talk of the mouth and throat, not specifically the tongue.
The app sounds interesting. My cravings are not very strong and I can let them be, so I don't think I need the app as of now but I will keep that in mind!
What you say about the hunger sensation in the stomach being there because one eats too much - I wonder about that. How much do you eat?
This is an important issue for me. Since I don't think I experience real hunger I have to be careful about not eating more than the body needs. That I gained an
inch or so on my waist probably means I am eating more than I need. My concern is not really with my appearance here but with eating right quantities.
Again, going to Ayurveda, I learnt that one can measure food in an 'anjali'. Anjali means literally, an offering, in Sanskrit, but here it means the shape of your hands when you cup them together, holding them cupped but fully open. Like you would if you use your hands to take out water from a pond.
The Ayurvedic writer I read on this - Maya Tiwari - wrote that the main meal should be 2 anjalis, and the two minor meals should be 1 anjali, and if hunger really persists, one may increase them to 2 anjalis as well but not as a norm. At least this is how I remember it.
This quantity, I think, is certainly less than what I see most people eating. They seem to eat at least 2 anjalis at every meal and usually more.
I'm following this rule now and so far it makes sense to me!