Re: Difference between real hunger and false hunger? What to do with the latter?
For me, real hunger is in the stomach and fake hunger, cravings, is in the tongue. I know that because I sometime feel this craving thirty times a day, so if what you said is true, that the tongue hunger is real hunger and I am supposed to eat every time I have this hunger, then I am going to be very fat indeed. I used to have to be forced to come home from tongue cravings while at school doing hw, but I learned a really good technique searching for an iPad cravings app. This one free app taught me three ways to conquer cravings, but I only use the first one, thinking of a stop sign. Their ways are all supported by research. Studies show that thinking of a shape helps distract you, and only after seconds of thinking the stop sign, my cravings miraculously disappear! I also don't have cravings because I truly want to be honest and so when I promised to go on a water fast, I am going to really do it. Being honest and keeping promises are very important to me. This new way of thinking makes me have no cravings at all. I never have hunger in the stomach, because I eat very little, not three times a day, so I don't get acid or anything else. You get that way because you are used to eating a lot. I agree with the other commentor, try fasting.